Election 2020-2022 announcement final



The e-voting for the IIA elections happened from 26th December 2020 starting 6 am to 28th December 2020, 11 pm. The voting went on smoothly. There was a helpline available for those who wanted guidance on the process.  There were practically no complaints brought to the notice of the Scruitineers or the helpline during the polling, until the late evening of 28th December 2020.

Towards the fag end of the voting some people has brought out an announcement in the public domain that this election module is hackable and raised a complaint to the scrutineers in this regard. The scrutineers took an urgent meeting on 29th December morning together with the supervisor Mr. Syed E Rizwi, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India and reviewed the situation. In the wake of the above complaint of intrusion/hacking into the election process of IIA, it was decided to postpone the scheduled counting of votes on 29th.  The system programmer was  summoned to the meeting and asked for a detailed report.  He reported that any suspected voting attempt or hacking will be captured by the system and can be retrieved, since each vote is having a backend data. He was asked to submit a report in this regard, with detailed list of such suspected votes against, National, Chapter, Centre, Sub centre and Region wise for representatives to COA, those went for the polling.

The detailed list of suspected votes is published along with this report for the information of all members

The Counting Policy

  • Counting of Votes polled in all categories IIA Election i.e. National, Chapter, Centre, Sub Centre and Zonal IIA Representatives to COA shall be completed.

Result Declaration

  • Total tally of suspect votes has been determined through the computer log of back end data and is declared along with this announcement. This exercise has been undertaken to calibrate the margin to decide the highest votes across the category.
  • Categories where No Suspect vote is recorded, the candidate securing highest votes shall be declared winner.
  • In categories where suspect voting is recorded, the difference of votes polled in each category between highest and second highest shall be recorded. The margin to decide the, the highest vote getter vis-à-vis the closest runner-up, the winner must peg at least one vote more than the total suspect vote in the category to decide the winner.
  • In category, where the margin between the highest vote getter and closest runner up is less than the suspect votes, the results shall be withheld for further action.

Following is the record of Suspected Votes

SN Category Suspected Votes
1 National Election 141
2 Representative to COA from Eastern Region 59
3 Representative to COA from Western Region 12
4 Representative to COA from Northern Region 28
5 Representative to COA from Southern Region 15
6 Representative to COA from Central Region 27
7 West Bengal Chapter 58
8 Northern Chapter 21
9 Andhra Pradesh Chapter 1
10 Assam Chapter 1
11 Karnataka Chapter 5
12 Maharashtra Chapter 8
13 Tamilanadu Chapter 6
14 Telangana Chapter 1
15 UP Chapter 2
16 Hubli Centre 2
17 Nagpur Centre 2
18 Nasik Centre 1
19 Salem Sub Centre 1