IIA Elections – e-Voting system security

Notice : 25.12.2020

Dear Members,

– After the ballots have been scrutinized by the Scrutineers and confirmed, Mr. S.E. Rizwi, the Supervisor has locked the system for admin and Scrutineers login by deactivating their login.
– Admin and Scrutineers have no access to the voting system till the time the Supervisor activates their account.
– Ballots for voting will be available to members only on the stipulated dates and time.
– The system can be opened for the results of the election by the Scrutineers on the stipulated date and time after the Supervisor reactivates the Scrutineers login.
– After recording the results by Scrutineers, the Supervisor will deactivate the Scrutineers login.


Dr. Amogh Kumar Gupta,
Jr. Vice President, IIA.