IIA National Awards for Excellence In Architecture 2018

Dear Fellow Members of IIA,
Greetings from IIA.
We received a wonderful response from the Members for this years Award. We had a record no of 519 entries. The first level of Jury for Shortlisting the Entries was conducted at Mumbai . The jury members shortlisted 84 entries for the final jury. The final jury will be conducted at Kovalam, Trivandrum , Kerala on 3rd and 4th of October 2019 .
There will be an open Jury on 3rd October , where in the Authors of the shortlisted entries will present the projects live before a Jury panel and Delegates of the Event. The presentation will be happening simultaneously in 4 different halls thru 3rd Oct morning till evening. The evening will mark cultural events and Dinner.
On 4th October , there will be 3 Key Note addresses by Invited Architects of other Nations. The Awards Declaration and presentation will be on 4th  evening 6.30 onward.
The Delegation Charges  will be Rs 3500/- upto 22nd September 2019.
Spot registration will be Rs 6000/-
The Registration Charges include Lunch and Dinners on 3rd and 4th Oct.
For Registration please log on to taac.co.in 
Warm Regards,
Ar Lalichan Zacharias &  Ar C R Raju
Jt Hon Sectretaries, IIA