E-voting system certification


Dear Members,

E-voting system certification

The E-Voting module was audited by Dr. Rakesh Goyal, Sysman Systems, accredited auditor by NIC and a Safe to Host Certificate dt. 23.8.2017 was issued to IIA. This was shared to the IIA Council & to members

At the Scrutineers & Supervisor Meeting held online on 19.10.2020, it was suggested that the e-voting system be revalidated. Dr. Rakesh Goyal, Sysman Computers, accredited with NIC (National Informatic Centre), was retained for the revalidation on 24.10.2020. After due process of audit, The Institute has obtained again the Safe to Host Certificate issued dt. 5.12.2020.

Dr. Amogh Kumar Gupta
Junior Vice President
The Indian Institute of Architects
Mumbai ”